Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Costa Rica y más!

Two hours before we needed to leave the kids were
no where to be seen.  Finally we found them
in the car, seats belted and ready to go!
They were both so excited!

Costa Rica began with a student having a minor procedure
and Cedar staying with the crew at the hotel.
It all worked out and the trip went on!
Cedar loved swimming at this waterfall.
And he tried his first coconut water.
We went on a night hike and saw foxes, snakes, bats,
spiders, toucans and giant ants.  A 4-year-old's dream.
The butterfly house was really cool too!
Suspended bridge hiking.
Volcan Arenal.
Waiting at the river for the kids to go rafting.
Water gun purchase that lasted about 48 minutes.
Watching the Lego movie with his friends.
My dear friend Hillary, helping with Cedar.
Cedar found a lot of iguanas.
More swimming.

Cedar built this at the beach.
At the hotel with Mema!
Lunch on our deck with our new picnic table.
We have a new daughter, Celia.
The kids adore her.
A new princess came to visit.
Phoebë Snow!  She could be our new cousin...right Mema?  ☺

The kids have signed up for gymnastics. 
Cedar wouldn't get out of the car,
but once he finally made it inside he loved it.
Rosie too!

Watching whales breech for 30+ minutes. 
Such an amazing spot for us to live.
And our front yard (1 minute in front) is the beach!
Welcome to our new cousin Avileigh!
We can't wait to meet you!!

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