Tuesday, October 27, 2015

An almost 5 year old boy!

As an almost 5 year old boy, Cedar weighs about 57 pounds 
and he is about 3 feet, 8 inches.

Cedar eats a lot, for a 3'8" 57 lb kid.  I fear for the high school days.
He likes pasta, meat,  broccoli,
sandwiches, anything with sugar, cheerios,
oatmeal (sometimes called open-meal),
grilled cheese and tomato soup, etc.

He can ride a bike, do the monkey bars, legitimately help chop things,
write his name, say his letters, write most of them, count to about 40,
add with simple math, and operate the computer.

He has memorized mom's cellphone
number and he likes to call and give a daily report "Rosie didn't eat
all of her banana, I can't find my book, what socks should I wear?"

A comment that people make frequently about Cedar is how happy he is
(except when he's not) and how much joy he finds in things. 
He is good natured,
loves to play at the beach (I see surfing in his future),
loves to swim, hike, and play soccer,
loves to flip over rocks and look for crabs, play games, 
help dad in the garage and build things, and help mom in the kitchen.

Cedar is going to have a Star Wars themed birthday party
with 10 of his "best favorite" friends over.

Love this kid!

5 year old interview!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Cedar. We love you so much! Can't wait to celebrate you this weekend!
