Saturday, March 31, 2012

17 months

Tomorrow I turn 17 months.

Here are my stats:

Weight: 26.5 lbs

Height: short (will check this stat)

Favorite foods: curly pasta with cheese, bunny snacks, pears,
chicken, applesauce, juice bars, strawberries,
broccoli, eggs, peanut butter toast, salmon

Favorite books: Danny and the Dinosaur, The Gruffalo,
The Going to Bed Book

Words: Dog(s), more, dada, please, star, bird, baba (bottle),
bye bye, night night, uh-oh
baby, car, mom, meow, moo

Signs: please, thank you, milk, more, water, eat, help

Things I love: outside, books, climbing, toys,
riding my truck and bike, youtube dog videos
music, baths, bottles of milk, National Geographic

I am a happy guy, except when I'm not, and I will be a great big brother!

In this video I show off my signing ability, some words and
I keep looking for the baby I am practicing gentle with
or at the computer for dogs to magically appear.
And dad made me the best blueberry applesauce,
which is what is all over me. I even
licked the measuing cup containing said applesauce!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Uma visits!

With mom's spring break coming to an end,
we had 3 visitors come. Sasha, Trevor and Uma!
We really had a good time playing together.
We went to the ocean and threw rocks,
we went to a birthday party,
and we played hard every day!
It was fun!
I accidentally fell in headfirst and got my head a little wet!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Snow! On March 18th!

Cedar and Phoebë enjoyed day 1 of spring break,
complete with a foot plus of snow.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Baby fiesta

An old picture from Guatemala, just for fun.
We went to a fundraiser for my friend Kat's preschool,
which will also be my preschool at some point (1.5 years).
I ran wild, danced, frolicked, pulled the lights over, ate
spaghetti, took my clothes off and passed out at home an hour later.
Good times!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

An assortment

Here are some updates! That sounds better than here are updates,
right Uncle Gabe?
I am really into throwing big rocks into the river,
unfortunately it has been snowing, raining and cold!
That activity is on hold for a little while.
Mom and her friend Lisa took me to play in the water
and I helped Lisa gather rocks for her garden.

Mom went to the baño and when she came out,
here I was. All ready to watch some TV!
Still eating yogurt, practicing with the spoon. This was my awesome bump
from hitting the bookshelf smack in the middle of my head.
Waking up with dada.

Uncle Gabe came to visit! He is reading me my current
favorite book: Danny and the Dinosaur.
I went to a baby party. This is Cooper and I.
Here is the line-up, by age. I am older than Cooper by 9 days.
Back to Uncle Gabe!

Mom wanted me to play outside today, but it has been
snowing and raining and sunny, in reapeating 5 minute intervals.
Herring season...
So dad came home from work quick and set up the tent for me!
Bringing the outdoors indoors!

All for now!