Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Cedar's favorites

While cleaning out my desk at school for the upcoming summer, I found a list of questions that I meant to ask Cedar on his 3rd birthday.  I asked him last night and will ask him again when he turns 4!  This blog is also a "baby book".

Cedar 5/20/14

1.  Favorite color - brown

2.  Favorite toy - Legos in the house or trucks outside

3.  Favorite fruit - apple and bananas

4.  Favorite TV show - Busy Town Mysteries (he calls it Huckle)

5.  Favorite thing to eat for lunch - pasta

6.  Favorite shirt - shark shirt

7.  Favorite game - go fish (his only game)

8.  Favorite snack - graham crackers

9.  Favorite animal - dog or shark

10.  Favorite song - wheels on the bus tied with "bum-bum shake"
       (also known as the YMCA)

11.  Favorite book - Busy Town Things That Go What People eat for lunch around the world is his favorite book

12.  Best friend - mom unless baby Sawyer is around, then that is his best friend (however I suspect if dad asked him he would say dad was his bestfriend, mema, and so forth)

13.  Favorite cereal - Raisin Bran

14.  Favorite thing to do outside - dig or climb

15.  Favorite drink - juice that mom makes with the juicer

16.  Favorite holiday - Christmas (I gave him a list to choose from)

17.  Favorite thing to sleep with - sheep pillow and dog

18.  Favorite breakfast - eggs

19.  What do you like to do on your birthday? Go to the gym with friends

20.  What do you like to eat on your birthday? Cake


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Preschool - end of year one

One way you can tell Cedar has matured is that he is wearing different
clothes in the pictures.  Before he wore the same shirt every day to
school because he would paint himself, or something similar, and
ruin all of his clothes.  But now he can add variety, and something
so simple as that shows leaps and bounds!
Dr. Bo (our neighbor) and Cedar.

Cedar the pilot!

Here is the link if you want to look at all the pictures:

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy mother's day!

Here is another picture from Rosie's birthday.
Pink was all that was requested.
It isn't quite a Mema cake...
Uncle Justin and mom took the kids to the
Sitka "big rig" show.  They got to pull the truck horns.
And climb on everything.

Cedar and mom had a quick strike adventure to Bellingham.
Cedar got to see his "new baby" Sawyer.


And Cedar got in some quality Uncle Gabe time.
And Mema time!
And Aunt Meghan time too!
And Groovy time!

Cedar was a super passenger.
Someone got new sunglasses for Guatemala!
This weekend we went camping
at the fish hatchery at the end of the road
and the kids absolutely loved it!
Cedar got to ride on a forklikft.

They roasted marshmallows.
There were fireworks!
And they slept in a tent for the first time.
It was mostly successful.
Rosie has good morning Pat Benatar hair.

This is Wren.  She lives at the hatchery.

And camping ended with a breakfast time dance party.
Happy mother's day to all our favorite mothers!