Greetings! Well first and most pressing, I got a new bike.
More on that important topic later.
Mom says I can't hog the spotlight all the time.
This weekend Rosie and I went to a birthday party
and then we saw WHALES! I even pointed them
out to my mom when she wasn't looking.
out to my mom when she wasn't looking.
It is snowing quite a bit and hopefully
dad will take us outside tomorrow to build something cool.
Oh look at that, my bike and me.
Rosie is munching away. She does not like to wear her bib
and she takes it off frequently.
I washed Rosie's hair in the tub. I think she liked it.
My best friend Phoebë Snow is back in town.
She came over and played with us.
She is so darling.
Rosie wants to stand at all possible times.
Here she is, standing without holding on to anything.
And now the moment I have been waiting to share with you: my first bike.
Thank you MeMa. I LOVE IT.