Mom is gorilla-ing this blog.
Cedar got a new bed this weekend from a friend of mine
who is moving away. This is a stock picture of it (not from Cedar's room).
We didn't set up the tent part yet, but he loves to climb everything and slide down.
The jury is still out on if this was a good decision or not.
Cedar's vocabulary is exploding! He occasionally needs a translator,
but we can talk about all kinds of things now, which is great.
He is pretty nice to his sister, he likes to hug her a lot
and then on the flip side he likes to also kick her in the face.
He gets a timeout for this, or more, depending on which parent is home
For some reason when I come home the first thing he says to me is
"kick baby" and then does an air kick.
At 27 months he is a little over 3 feet tall. I hear from a reputable source
that at 27 months you are half of your adult height. Grow Cedar grow!
He is a pretty picky toddler these days, but he is still going strong with
his love of salmon, peanut butter toast, cheese, and juice
(and I can literally throw in some intense combos like
kale, beet and chard and he will suck it down, baby too!).
Rosie wants to walk so badly! She says three words.
She says "up", "mama" and "dada".
Rosie is such a happy girl and when she is hungry or tired
she doesn't mince emotions. It is a full-on
"take care of me right now dammit" throw down,
but I appreciate knowing how she feels. She is
sleeping about 14 hours a night, waking up once
or twice depending on teething and colds. She eats
anything we give her, or at least gives it a try.
Right now her favorites are partially thawed berries
and scrambled eggs. And I made yam pancakes this
morning and she ate 3! Grow Rosie grow!
Rosie and I leave for Costa Rica in about 3.5 weeks!
We, the parents, are doing pretty well, BUSY both working
full time and Luke in school full time. We can barely keep up
with all the housework and laundry, but we have a
good perspective on things, plus I have a plethora
of babysitters on hand since I work at the high school.
That really helps.
One of the children seems to have misplaced my memory card
from the camera, but Luke did take some Rosie video and here it is.