Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Monday!

Dear loyal followers,
Here are some assorted photos of the past week.
But first, a few anecdotes.
Yesterday I had a chat with mom about my birthday
and it went like this:
Mom:  Cedar, your birthday is coming up, what do you want?
Me:  Hmmm, I want to be black.
Mom:  (long pause)  How about a trampoline?
Me:  Ok.
Rosie is talking up a storm.  She can tell you the sounds
of the animals, that she wants you to open things,
that she wants to read books, or eat or go potty. 
She can also say "it's broken, I dropped it, and
it's raining on my head."  She will be 1.5 soon.
Rosie is 25 lbs and 75% in all growth areas.
Not long ago mom was playing outside
with us and a series of mishaps took place.
First mom had to chase Rosie because she was on her
hands and knees lapping up water from a puddle.  While
she was chasing Rosie I got my leg stuck in a crab pot.
While mom was rescuing me from the crab pot,
Rosie got tangled in a string on the neighbor's porch.
Every time she tried to run away she got stuck tighter
and tighter to the porch.
Mom decided it was time to watch TV after that.
Cedar is 38 lbs.
At night Cedar sings a funny song to the tune of 
"The Wheels on the Bus".
Uma on the bus says "NO! that's mine!"
Mema on the bus says "Don't fall down!"
Uncle Justin on the bus says "Hey, there's football!"
Groovy on the bus says "I like baby"
Daddy on the bus says "I love you"
and Mama on the bus says "no no no baby"
The last sunny day of the year (maybe)
we went to the Farmer's Market.
Rosie and I danced with Phoebë Snow.

We go to the playground a lot!
Two awesome ladies in Sitka made us
aprons to wear in the kitchen with mom.
I like to wear mine sans undies.
Here is Mema reading the 2398925325323th book to Rosie,
 except Rosie moves too fast!
We went to two birthday parties.  I got my hand painted.
This is Iona's birthday part with Ever and Wren.

And here was Rosie's Halloween costume,
but it was too small so we took it back and got a different one.
She clearly loves the ladybug look.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Back in action.

Mom is back to work,
dad is back to school and
Mema comes on Wednesday.
Last Sunday we went to the beach with some friends.

 Today I hiked my first mountain: Harbor Mountain.
It was steep, but I did it!

Then we went to the beach for 3.5 hours
for a birthday party.  It was fun!