Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Smiths were here!

The Smiths were here!

We went hiking, saw bears (at a sort of "zoo"), went to the touch
tanks, out to dinner, swam in the Alaskan ocean (forgot cameras),
played dress up and games, hunted for crabs under rocks, and
Uma even caught a fish!


Wednesday, July 8, 2015


At one time, these were in order.  I haven't figured that part out yet.

These are not in order.

Yesterday, 7/7/15, at the beach.

Uncle Gabe visits!

7 AM yard sale.

Rhubarb as tall as Rosie.

Auntie Meghan won the "Only Fools Run at Midnight" 5K.
Check out that light in the background, still light at midnight!

Britt comes to visit!

Time for a summer hair cut.

Always looking for whales.

Mema and Mike, fixing the engine for El Amigo.

A seining boat pulling up their haul.

Mini mom's dad, captain Davey, showing us the sights.

We hiked up to Harbor Mt. too show Britt the view from above.

 4th of July parade.

Britt finally saw whales from the living room.  
At 10:30 PM.

Phoebe Snow is here!

See you soon Mema!

Climbing the back yard.

Fishing with Uncle Gabe and Aunt Meghan.

Family dinner.

Next up:  Sasha, Uma and Zola.
Then our friend Jake.

Home July 30th!