Wednesday, March 30, 2011

5 month milestones

Since my parents don't seem to be doing a traditional baby book for me I thought it would be cool if I could mark some of my 5 month "usuals". Here are my stats:

Weight: 17 lbs

Height: 25-ish inches

Favorite Toy: Sophie the giraffe

Favorite, and only, Food: Milk!

Naps: generally 2 - morning and afternoon, but also anytime I am rolling in the stroller

Bed time: Between 7 and 8 PM, it is kind of like being at the spa. First I have a bath, then a massage and a milk night cap, then the swaddle and out I go!

Baby stuff: Let's just get it out there, I'm a drooler. I pretty much sport a bib all day long now and soak through 3 or 4 in a day. I give my mom drooley kisses and slobber on my dad when he holds me upside down. That's how I express my love, I slime them! I could be cutting teeth, or just drooling for fun. Who knows?

My typical week: Monday mom makes bread while I supervise from my bumbo, Tuesday we go grocery shopping, Wednesday we go to mom and baby time, Thursday I walk with my friend Phoebë and we visit our dads at work and go to the Backdoor for tea and treats, Friday we do whatever we want, and Saturday and Sunday we go places with dad and hang out.

Arch Nemesis: My own hands!

They have a mind of their own and they scratch me, like a bad kitty!

Check out the scratch on my nose!

Memorable moments: The other day dad cut my fingernails in an attempt to prevent the aforementioned scratches. It is hard for me to sit still during this so he nipped my thumb a little. I barely noticed, but there was some blood so he put a cool band aid on there. None of us thought about where it went until bath time when mom wondered aloud "what happened to the band aid?" About 24 hours later they found out while changing my diaper! I ate my band aid and pooped it out! Isn't that incredible? I was so proud, but they didn't even notice because they were busy fretting that I could have choked or something. Rookies. Don't put things on my hands if you don't want me to eat them!

In just a few short months I have received some incredible gifts. I just got this ensemble from my cousins Taylor and Char this week. They sent me the cool glasses, an ultra-violet water purifier and the red rash guard.

This is my friend Phoebë Snow Alexeiavna Desatoff. We hang out about 3 or 4 times a week and I love her! I even got her those cool jammies.

And yet another baby line-up. Seriously mom. How many of these do I have to endure? But holy cuteness batman! We are part of the graduating class of 2028. Can you guess which one is me?

And finally, much to mom's dismay, I am a huge fan of being flung, swung, hung upside down and bounced. I giggle the whole time, check me out.

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